Addison County Firefighters Association
Established 1944
Celebrating our 76th year !!
The Association is located in the State of Vermont and is made up of Firefighters from 17 towns in Addison County. The Association promotes fire training and education among it's members and provides mutual aid to it's member departments and communities.
In addition the Association strives to communicate information and educational programs to the general public to make them more aware of the ravages of fire.
In addition the Association strives to communicate information and educational programs to the general public to make them more aware of the ravages of fire.
The Association is made up of the following Departments:
Department Locator
To find the Fire Department you are looking for, click on the square in the upper right corner of the map below. A larger map will be displayed and a list of the Departments will be on the left side. Click on the Department you're looking for and it will be shown on the map with the Fire Equipment available at that station